The WordPress of the apps.
We've designed this tool to create apps to take advantage of all the knowledge of website creation and believe apps fully customized at a low cost.
A tool designed to fit everyone: from people who don't know, nor want to, nothing of code, up to more advanced developers or software companies vertical.
And we are so convinced that you will like that we're going to give a course to understand how it works. We started!
We're going to make apps!

Select a template
The first step of your app is to select a template among the more than 200 that we put at your disposal. When you select your template, keep in mind that these selecting 70 sub-elements that give form to all the views in your app: buttons, load bar, cards, grids, colors, all the basic elements to make your app look.
Add plugins
Thanks to our builder Drag and Drop, add menus to create navigations simple or complex, and adds the features that you need and builds in views of a single functionality or views varied with several modules. Feel free to create the app that you want.
You have more than 400 features ready to operate.

Automatically published to iOS and Android
Enter your developer id from the Apple Store and Google Play, and our system will compile, you will sign the app with your id and publish it in the account of your client, and everything automatically. In addition, you can upload as many versions of your app you want during the year of subscription.
Now do apps!
Convert any website into app
Our builder gives you dozens of techniques for creating your app, even for a CMS can have multiple.
This will allow you to multiply the functionalities that you can add to your app, allowing you to import contents, features, payment gateways, and business rules directly to your app.
Allowing you to create everything that you want, with the same knowledge that you do websites.

Learn how to create apps and mobile marketing in our Academy
Our academy is intended not as a business model, but as a free tool for our resellers can scale your training, and increase the average ticket from your customers thanks to the inclusion of services in your portfolio. You will find more than 60 courses in Spanish in 3 areas:
– Markteing Mobile
– Techniques and tutorials for creating apps
– Programming of features and templates to measure.
Technical support: we will accompany you throughout the way
KOA makes available various support channels to help you in every moment:
– Repositories technical
– Support Chat
– Ticketing system for code review.
– Page technical documentation
– Human contact at all times

Push notifications panel Brand
We put at your disposal a panel super full for sending, scheduling, and management of push notifications.
This panel is not brandeado with the brand King of App and also this hosted on a particular domain, making it easier integration in an ecosystem tertiary.
Panel of Analytical Mobile
Know what's happening at all times in your app is very important, that is why we've not only included an analytics service for mobile, but that we put at your disposal a panel integrated within the builder, so that you can generate your reports and send them periodically to your customers as part of your services.
Select the interval, it generates the report and print it out, easy and fast to optimize your time.

Free access to the code and certificates: Modifies, creates, download
We are 100% transparent, so we are Open Source, you can access the code, edit it, or if you prefer, you can develop your capabilities to 0, only by using html, css, javascript. You can also access the native resources of the mobile phone and the camera, the gyroscope or gps among others...
But not only that, but you can download the source code to have your own backup. And another very important point is that you'll be able to download the certificate from your app.
Welcome to the family, is one of our Reseller

Best Software for creating apps
Our app builder has been awarded in all the world as the best.
Among the many awards we have been recognised with:
– H2020 Phase 2 of the European Union – 1 of the 6 best technologies of Europe.
– Best software in the world of building apps by SoftwareWorld.
– Winners of Startup Mansion, New York, USA
– Winners of the STC Program, San Francisco, USA
What can I do with King of App?
King of App is a tool that adapts to your knowledge, thus you'll be able to make both your as you know. You can create an app without any technical knowledge, or you can make apps more complex scheduling things as using the native resources of your phone: geolocation, gyroscope, gps, accelerometer, print reader... The limit is you!
If you want to see or try out apps that have been created with our constructor visit the following links:

What gives you our reseller plan?
KOA designed to offer freedom, security, and automation: to make your life easier.
We offer:
- Flat rate of creation of apps, with all the plug-ins included.
- All courses at the academy included.
- Upload as many apps as you want, as many times as you want on both iOS and Android (without any other extra cost).
- You are always the owner of the code in your app.