«welcome.title»: «Welcome»,
"global.unknow-error": "Unknow error!",
"codeEditor.file-extensions": "Allowed file extensions .js, .json, .html. css",
"codeEditor.create": "Create",
"codeEditor.remove": "Remove",
"codeEditor.createFile": "Create file",
"codeEditor.createFolder": "Create folder",
"codeEditor.file": "File",
"codeEditor.add-file": "Select files...",
"codeEditor.folder": "Folder",
"codeEditor.removeFileInfo": "Delete the following file: ",
"codeEditor.fullFolder": "Delete the following folder and its content: ",
"codeEditor.emptyFolder": "Delete the following folder: ",
"codeEditor.delete-confirmation": "Are you sure?",
"codeEditor.removeAll": "Reset",
"codeEditor.removeAllInfo": "Delete all the customization folder",
"codeEditor.notEdit": "This file can't be editted",
"codeEditor.uploading": "Uploading files...",
"codeEditor.theme": "Style (theme)",
"codeEditor.module": "module",
"codeeditor.edit-module-only-paid": "* The module has to be adquired before editing",
"codeeditor.edit-theme-only-paid": "* The theme has to be adquired before editing",
"You still have not paid": "The plugin has to be adquired before editing",
"compilation.add-compilations":"Add compilations",
"compilation.available-compilations":"You have {{total}} compilations available.",
"compilation.bond01":"1 App compilation",
"compilation.bond05":"Bonus Pack 5 compilations",
"compilation.bond10":"Bonus Pack 10 compilations",
"compilation.bond50":"Bonus Pack 50 compilations",
"compilation.choose-plan":"Finally, choose a compilation plan for your app.",
"compilation.help":"We are almost there! Please choose the compilation plan you would like so we can generate the market publication package. You can also download the code and compile it yourself..",
"compilation.increase-bond":"Increase your",
"compilation.increase-subs":"Increase your",
"compilation.rem-compilations":"Use my available compilations",
"compilation.sourcecode-checkbox":"I will use the source code and compile it myself. (Advanced option for programmers)",
"compilation.success":"Compilation plan successsfully saved",
"compilation.testing.status": "Configurations neded to test the app",
"compilation.testing.status.done": "All configurations correct",
"compilation.publish.status": "Configurations recommended before publication",
"compilation.publish.platforms.config": "Markets configurations for",
"country.AE":"United Arab Emirates",
"country.AG":"Antigua and Barbuda",
"country.AN":"Netherlands Antilles",
"country.AS":"American Samoa",
"country.AX":"Ã…land Islands",
"country.BA":"Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"country.BF":"Burkina Faso",
"country.BL":"Saint Bartolome",
"country.BN":"Brunei Darussalam",
"country.BQ":"Bonaire, San Eustaquio and Saba",
"country.BV":"Bouvet Island",
"country.CC":"Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
"country.CD":"Congo, The Democratic Republic of the",
"country.CF":"Central African Republic",
"country.CI":"Cote D'Ivoire",
"country.CK":"Cook Islands",
"country.CR":"Costa Rica",
"country.CS":"Serbia and Montenegro",
"country.CV":"Cape Verde",
"country.CX":"Christmas Island",
"country.CZ":"Czech Republic",
"country.DO":"Dominican Republic",
"country.EH":"Western Sahara",
"country.FK":"Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
"country.FM":"Micronesia, Federated States of",
"country.FO":"Faroe Islands",
"country.GB":"United Kingdom",
"country.GF":"French Guiana",
"country.GQ":"Equatorial Guinea",
"country.GS":"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",
"country.HK":"Hong Kong",
"country.HM":"Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands",
"country.IM":"Isle of Man",
"country.IO":"British Indian Ocean Territory",
"country.IR":"Iran, Islamic Republic Of",
"country.KN":"Saint Kitts and Nevis",
"country.KP":"Korea, Democratic People'S Republic of",
"country.KR":"Korea, Republic of",
"country.KY":"Cayman Islands",
"country.LA":"Lao People'S Democratic Republic",
"country.LC":"Saint Lucia",
"country.LK":"Sri Lanka",
"country.LY":"Libyan Arab Jamahiriya",
"country.MD":"Moldova, Republic of",
"country.MF":"Saint Martin (French Part)",
"country.MH":"Marshall Islands",
"country.MK":"Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of",
"country.MP":"Northern Mariana Islands",
"country.NC":"New Caledonia",
"country.NF":"Norfolk Island",
"country.NZ":"New Zealand",
"country.PF":"French Polynesia",
"country.PG":"Papua New Guinea",
"country.PM":"Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
"country.PR":"Puerto Rico",
"country.PS":"Palestinian Territory, Occupied",
"country.RU":"Russian Federation",
"country.SA":"Saudi Arabia",
"country.SB":"Solomon Islands",
"country.SH":"Saint Helena",
"country.SJ":"Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
"country.SL":"Sierra Leone",
"country.SM":"San Marino",
"country.SS":"South Sudan",
"country.ST":"Sao Tome and Principe",
"country.SV":"El Salvador",
"country.SX":"Saint Maarten (Netherlands Part)",
"country.SY":"Syrian Arab Republic",
"country.TC":"Turks and Caicos Islands",
"country.TF":"French Southern Territories",
"country.TT":"Trinidad and Tobago",
"country.TW":"Taiwan, Province of China",
"country.TZ":"Tanzania, United Republic of",
"country.UM":"United States Minor Outlying Islands",
"country.US":"United States",
"country.VA":"Holy See (Vatican City State)",
"country.VC":"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
"country.VG":"Virgin Islands, British",
"country.VI":"Virgin Islands, U.S.",
"country.VN":"Viet Nam",
"country.WF":"Wallis and Futuna",
"country.ZA":"South Africa",
"customize.add-logo":"Your logo",
"customize.app-icon":"App icon",
"customize.banner": "Featured image",
"customize.promo": "Promotional image",
"customize.back-img":"Background image",
"customize.large-file-error":"File to big",
"customize.size-file-error1024": "The image size should be 1024px - 1024px",
"customize.size-file-error2208": "The image size should be 2208px - 2208px",
"customize.size-file-error280500": "The image size should be at least 280px - 500px",
"customize.accentColor":"Accentuated color",
"customize.backgroundColor":"App background color",
"customize.darkAccentColor":"Dark accentuated color",
"customize.darkPrimaryColor":"Dark primary color",
"customize.disabledTextColor":"Disabled text color",
"customize.dividerColor":"Splitters color",
"customize.lightAccentColor":"Light accentuated color",
"customize.lightPrimaryColor":"Light primary color",
"customize.primaryBackgroundColor":"Primary background color",
"customize.primaryColor":"Primary color",
"customize.primaryTextColor":"Primary text color",
"customize.secondaryTextColor":"Secundary text color",
"customize.accentColor.description":"The accent color should be used for the floating action button and interactive elements, such as: text fields and cursors, text selection, progress bars, selection controls, buttons, and sliders. Only use the accent color for body text to accent a web link or for the accent color for your primary action button and components like switches or sliders. Don’t use the accent color for body text color, for app bars or larger areas of color. Avoid using the same color for the floating action button and the background.",
"customize.backgroundColor.description":"The background color should contrast with the color of the primary text and should be part of the color palette used for the primary color of the app.",
"customize.darkAccentColor.description":"If your accent color is too dark to sufficiently contrast with the background color, use a darker shade of the accent color instead. Use a fallback accent color over background colors that are too light or too dark and don’t use it over a background color if there isn’t enough contrast.",
"customize.darkPrimaryColor.description":"Darker versions of the primary text color can be used to inform the user of important or highlighted options",
"customize.disabledTextColor.description":"Text may be displayed with different degrees of opacity to convey how important certain information is relative to other information. The level of opacity used for text depends on whether your background is darker or lighter. Text hints (like those in text fields and labels) and disabled text have even lower visual prominence with an approximate opacity of 38%. Black or white text that is transparent remains legible and vibrant against background color changes. This makes it more flexible than grey text in the same contexts.",
"customize.dividerColor.description":"Dividers are usually 1dp thick, with an approximate opacity of either 12% black in light themes or 12% white in dark themes and are placed along the bottom edge of the content tiles, independent of the grid.",
"customize.lightAccentColor.description":"If your accent color is too light to sufficiently contrast with the background color, use a lighter tint of the accent color instead. Use a fallback accent color over background colors that are too light or too dark and don’t use it over a background color if there isn’t enough contrast.",
"customize.lightPrimaryColor.description":"Lighter versions of the primary text color can be used to inform the user of disabled or dimmed options",
"customize.primaryBackgroundColor.description":"The background color should contrast with the color of the primary text and should be part of the color palette used for the primary color of the app.",
"customize.primaryColor.description":"When using a primary color in your palette, this color should be the most widely used across all screens and components.",
"customize.primaryTextColor.description":"When using a primary color in your palette, this color should be the most widely used across all screens and components. The most important text usually has an opacity of 87%.",
"customize.secondaryTextColor.description":"Palettes with a secondary color may use this color to indicate a related action or information. The secondary color may be a darker or lighter variation of the primary color. Secondary text, which is lower in the visual hierarchy, usually has an opacity of 54%.",
"customize.toolbarColor.description": "The color of the toolbar should be part of the application's color palette and contrast with the background color. A valid option would be to use a darker tone than the primary text",
"customize.splash":"Splash image",
"customize.subtitle":"Customize your template.",
"customize.successful-delete" : "Image deleted successfully",
"customize.successful-save-background": "Please wait while we upload the image",
"customize.successful-save-wait":"Please wait while we upload the images",
"customize.successful-save":"Saved successfully",
"customize.tabs-background": "Background",
"customize.upload-fonts-help":"(Add font)",
"customize.upload-primaryFontFamily":"Principal font",
"customize.upload-success'":"Your file has been successfully uploaded",
"customize.upload-success":"Image successfully uploaded",
"customize.upload-titleFontFamily":"Title font",
"customize.toolbarColor": "Toolbar color",
"customize.delete": "Delete",
"customize.file-input": "Choose an image",
"dashboard.error-compiling": "Error trying to compile, please try again",
"dashboard.changes.seemore": "See more",
"dashboard.changes.seeless": "See less",
"dashboard.changes": "changes",
"dashboard.release.added-module": "Modules added",
"dashboard.release.added-services": "Services added",
"dashboard.release.added-spinner": "Spinners added",
"dashboard.release.added-theme": "Styles (themes) added",
"dashboard.release.added": "Added to the app",
"dashboard.release.deleted-module": "Modules deleted",
"dashboard.release.deleted-services": "Services deleted",
"dashboard.release.deleted-spinner": "Spinners deleted",
"dashboard.release.deleted-theme": "Styles (themes) deleted",
"dashboard.release.deleted": "Deleted from the app",
"dashboard.release.edited-module": "Modules edited",
"dashboard.release.edited-spinner": "Spinners edited",
"dashboard.release.edited-services": "Services edited",
"dashboard.release.edited-theme": "Styles (themes) edited",
"dashboard.release.edited": "Edited from the app",
"dashboard.release.upgraded-modules": "Modules upgraded",
"dashboard.release.upgraded-services": "Services upgraded",
"dashboard.release.upgraded-spinner": "Spinners upgraded",
"dashboard.release.upgraded-theme": "Styles (themes) upgraded",
"dashboard.release.upgraded": "Ugraded from the app",
"dashboard.release.init": "App init",
"dashboard.release.initial": "App init",
"dashboard.add-error":"Add error",
"dashboard.app-data.app-cat":"Category is not selected",
"dashboard.app-data.app-platforms": "No data found for the publication process. (Download code and apk still available)",
"dashboard.app-data.app-compilation":"The type of compilation is not selected",
"dashboard.app-data.app-desc":"Description is empty in {{language}} version",
"dashboard.app-data.app-desc-length-adv":"1000 is the best number of characters for the description in {{language}} version",
"dashboard.app-data.app-desc-length-warn":"Descriptions with at least 700 characters are recommended in {{language}} version",
"dashboard.app-data.app-desc-length":"Description must have at least 100 characters in {{language}} version",
"dashboard.app-data.app-desc-length-toolong":"Description must be less than 4000 characters in {{language}} version",
"dashboard.app-data.app-desc-short":"Description short is empty in {{language}} version",
"dashboard.app-data.app-desc-short-length":"Description short must have at least 4 characters in {{language}} version",
"dashboard.app-data.app-desc-short-toolong":"Description short must be less than 80 characters in {{language}} version",
"dashboard.app-data.app-publish":"You don't selected the type of publication",
"dashboard.app-data.app-name":"Please change the name of the App in {{language}} version",
"dashboard.app-data.app-alias":"Please change the alias of the App",
"dashboard.app-data.app-namenotallowed": "You must rename the application for the language: {{language}}, no quotation marks are allowed",
"dashboard.app-data.keywords": "Please, add some keywords in {{language}} version",
"dashboard.app-data.keywords-length": "Too many keywords, max length is 100 characters in {{language}} version",
"dashboard.app-metadata.ios": "You must fill IOS form",
"dashboard.app-metadata.ios-insuficientscreenshots": "Insuficient screenshots selected on IOS form",
"dashboard.pluginVersionDeprecated": "New version available for {{pluginType}}:",
"dashboard.current-version": "Your current version is:",
"dashboard.app-data":"App data",
"dashboard.app-data-images": "App Images",
"dashboard.app-data-images.app-icon": "Your app must have an icon",
"dashboard.app-data-images.app-splash": "Your app must have a splash image",
"dashboard.app-data-images.app-banner": "Your app must have a banner image",
"dashboard.app-data-images.app-promo": "Your app must have a promo image",
"dashboard.app-data.nopublish": "You must select publish type",
"dashboard.app-not-found":"App not found",
"dashboard.compile-info.head": "Compilation info",
"dashboard.compile-info.buildTypes.header": "Last compilation requested:",
"dashboard.compile-info.buildTypes.downloadApk": "Test app",
"dashboard.compile-info.buildTypes.downloadCode": "Download code",
"dashboard.compile-info.buildTypes.androidPublish": "Publish android",
"dashboard.compile-info.buildTypes.iosPublish": "Publish iOS",
"dashboard.compile-info.progres.title": "Compilation status",
"dashboard.compile-info.progres.step1": "Creating the Koa project",
"dashboard.compile-info.progres.step2": "Configuring cordova",
"dashboard.compile-info.progres.step3": "Building",
"dashboard.compile-info.progres.step4": "¡¡Success!!",
"dashboard.compile-info.testApp": "Download app for testing",
"dashboard.compile-info.downloadApp": "Download zip with source code",
"dashboard.compile-info.errors": "Error report:",
"dashboard.compile-info.error.noneSolveCase1": "The error can be caused by a wrong or empty settings, check your settings and the errors below.",
"dashboard.compile-info.error.noneSolveCase2": "This error may be caused by wrong or empty settings in services or modules like Koapp Push Notifications",
"dashboard.compile-info.error.noneSolveCase3": "The error can be caused by errors on the publish config, or in the To market section check them and try again.",
"dashboard.modules.content":"Your app does not have much content",
"dashboard.modules.missing-conf-required":"This module configuration is mandatory: ",
"dashboard.modules.missing-conf":"Module settings not found: ",
"dashboard.new-error":"New error",
"dashboard.payment.unpaid":"There are some items for pay",
"dashboard.goToInsertCode": "Two factor code",
"dashboard.services.ads":"Ads services is not found",
"dashboard.services.analytics":"Analytics services is not found",
"dashboard.services.config":"We don't find any configuration for this service: {{service}}",
"dashboard.services.login":"The loggin service is not found",
"dashboard.services.push":"Push services is not found",
"dashboard.services.missing-conf-required": "Missing services configuration for ",
"dashboard.status":"App status",
"dashboard.releases":"App releases",
"dashboard.themes.no-theme-for":"A style (theme) was not selected for ",
"dashboard.themes.no-theme":"Template not found",
"dashboard.themes.same-theme":"Same style (theme) for all platforms",
"dashboard.themes":"Styles (themes)",
"dashboard.your-app":"Your app",
"dashboard.convertTemplate": "Convert to template",
"dashboard.userstable.title": "Manage users",
"dashboard.userstable.email": "Email",
"dashboard.userstable.rol": "Rol",
"dashboard.userstable.change-rol": "Change rol",
"dashboard.userstable.select-default": "Choose here",
"dashboard.userstable.select-admin": "Administrator",
"dashboard.userstable.select-editor": "Editor",
"dashboard.userstable.select-collaborator": "Collaborator",
"dashboard.userstable.save": "Save",
"dashboard.userstable.delete": "Delete",
"dashboard.userstable.modal-title": "Change administrator",
"dashboard.userstable.modal-body": "Only can be 1 user as Administrator, if you click continue you will be change to Editor. \n Changes:",
"dashboard.userstable.modal-continue": "Continue",
"dashboard.userstable.modal-cancel": "Cancel",
"dashboard.share": "Share",
"dashboard.cant-share-dev": "Cant share app to this user",
"profiles.title": "My profiles",
"profiles.new": "New",
"profilesForm.alias": "Profile alias",
"profilesForm.alias-placeholder": "Type an alias to locate profile easily",
"profilesForm.company": "Name / Company",
"profilesForm.company-placeholder": "Type your company name",
"profilesForm.address": "Address",
"profilesForm.zipCode": "Zip code",
"profilesForm.country": "Country",
"profilesForm.state": "State",
"profilesForm.zipCode-placeholder": "Type your zip code",
"profilesForm.country-placeholder": "Select your country",
"profilesForm.state-placeholder": "Type your state",
"profilesForm.city": "City",
"profilesForm.taxId": "Tax ID",
"profilesForm.phone": "Phone",
"profilesForm.address-placeholder": "Type your address",
"profilesForm.city-placeholder": "Type your city",
"profilesForm.taxId-placeholder": "Type the tax identification number",
"profilesForm.phone-placeholder": "Type your phone",
"profilesForm.successful-save": "Profile saved succesfully",
"profilesForm.title": "Profile",
"profilesForm.new" : "New profile",
"profilesForm.type" : "Profile type",
"profilesForm.type.personal": "Personal",
"profilesForm.type.bussiness": "Company",
"profilesForm.last-profile": "You cannot delete your last profile",
"profilesForm.delete": "Delete payment profile",
"profilesForm.successful-delete": "Profile deleted successfully",
"profilesForm.error.alias" : "Alias is too short. Min 3 characters",
"profilesForm.error.company" : "Company name is too short. Min 3 characters",
"profilesForm.error.address" : "Address is too short. Min 3 characters",
"profilesForm.error.zipCode" : "Invalid zip code",
"profilesForm.error.country" : "Select country",
"profilesForm.error.city" : "Type a city",
"profilesForm.error.state" : "Type a state",
"profilesForm.error.taxId" : "Type valid tax identification number",
"profilesForm.error.phone" : "Phone number is invalid",
"profilesForm.error.mustFill": "Saving error, check form fields",
"deleteProfile.text": "Are you sure to delete this profile info?",
"deleteProfile.title": "Delete payment profile",
"deleteProfile.delete": "Delete",
"global.btn-back":"Go Back",
"global.btn-share": "Share app",
"global.btn-download-scheme": "Download app scheme",
"global.btn-download-backup": "Download backup",
"global.btn-code-editor": "Advance edit",
"global.important-action":"A currently running action requires the browser to be active, refreshing or leaving this page can break the process",
"global.year": "Year",
"themes.title": "Styles (themes)",
"templates.title": "Templates",
"spinners.title": "Loaders",
"home.create-app":"Add new App",
"home.create-folder-btn":"Add folder",
"home.create-folder-title":"Add new folder",
"home.create-folder":"Create folder",
"home.delete-app-title":"Delete APP",
"home.delete-app-body": "Are you sure? You will no longer have access to this app.",
"home.delete-app-body-admin": "You are the administrator of this app, if you delete it it will be eliminated.",
"home.delete-app-body-admin-a": "Would you like to make another user administrator?",
"home.copy-app": "Copy",
"home.move-app": "Move to",
"home.select-folder": "Select a folder",
"home.edit-app": "Edit",
"home.delete-folder-confirmation":"Are you sure?",
"home.delete-folder-title":"Delete folder",
"home.delete-folder":"Delete folder",
"home.edit-folder-title":"Edit folder",
"home.edit-folder":"Edit folder",
"home.folder": "Folder",
"home.folder-color":"Folder color",
"home.folder-name":"Folder name",
"home.title":"My Apps",
"home.academy.head": "Check our academy to learn how to app:",
"home.appType.app": "App",
"home.appType.template": "Template",
"home.move-folder-title": "Move app to folder",
"home.move-to": "Move to",
"home.move-folder-btn": "Move",
"home.copy": "Copy",
"home.no-apps-message-1st": "¡Oops! You don't have any app",
"home.no-apps-message-2nd": "Let's create the first one!",
"invoices.data.date" : "Date",
"invoices.data.invoiceNo" : "Invoice Number",
"invoices.data.appName" : "App",
"invoices.data.company" : "Company",
"invoices.data.paid" : "Paid",
"invoices.data.amount" : "Amount",
"invoices.data.actions" : "Actions",
"invoices.data.download" : "Download",
"invoice.filter.app" : "By app",
"invoice.filter.company": "By company",
"invoice.filter.header": "Group by",
"invoice.filter.nofilter" : "None",
"invoice.processing": "Processing invoice...",
"invoices.noInvoices" : "You have not generated invoices yet with King of app",
"invoices.isEasy" : "try to create an app, It´s so easy!",
"invoices.title": "Invoices",
"language.bh":"Bihari languages",
"language.cu":"Church Slavic; Old Slavonic; Church Slavonic; Old Bulgarian; Old Church Slavonic",
"language.dv":"Divehi; Dhivehi; Maldivian",
"language.el":"Greek, Modern (1453-)",
"language.es":"Spanish; Castilian",
"language.fy":"Western Frisian",
"language.gd":"Gaelic; Scottish Gaelic",
"language.ho":"Hiri Motu",
"language.ht":"Haitian; Haitian Creole",
"language.ia":"Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)",
"language.ie":"Interlingue; Occidental",
"language.ii":"Sichuan Yi; Nuosu",
"language.ki":"Kikuyu; Gikuyu",
"language.kj":"Kuanyama; Kwanyama",
"language.kl":"Kalaallisut; Greenlandic",
"language.km":"Central Khmer",
"language.ky":"Kirghiz; Kyrgyz",
"language.lb":"Luxembourgish; Letzeburgesch",
"language.li":"Limburgan; Limburger; Limburgish",
"language.nb":"Bokmål, Norwegian; Norwegian Bokmål",
"language.nd":"Ndebele, North; North Ndebele",
"language.nl":"Dutch; Flemish",
"language.nn":"Norwegian Nynorsk; Nynorsk, Norwegian",
"language.nr":"Ndebele, South; South Ndebele",
"language.nv":"Navajo; Navaho",
"language.ny":"Chichewa; Chewa; Nyanja",
"language.oc":"Occitan (post 1500); Provençal",
"language.os":"Ossetian; Ossetic",
"language.pa":"Panjabi; Punjabi",
"language.ps":"Pushto; Pashto",
"language.ro":"Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan",
"language.se":"Northern Sami",
"language.si":"Sinhala; Sinhalese",
"language.st":"Sotho, Southern",
"language.to":"Tonga (Tonga Islands)",
"language.ug":"Uighur; Uyghur",
"language.what":"in the languange: ",
"language.za":"Zhuang; Chuang",
"language.es-ES": "Spanish",
"language.en-US": "English",
"language.fr-FR": "French",
"login.welcome2":"Type in your King of App user info",
"login.testmyappwelcome":"Check your App",
"login.testmyappwelcome2":"Type in your code",
"login.testmyappcode": "App Code",
"login.notregistered": "¿Aun no estás registrado?",
"login.forgot-password": "¿No recuerdas tu contraseña?",
"login.introcode": "Enter your code",
"market.create-app-name-title": "Give your app a name",
"market.create-app-name": "App Name",
"market.create": "Create",
"market.app-name-required": "*An App name is required",
"market.app-name-lenght": "*App name should have at least 3 characters",
"market.createdAt": "Created at",
"market.updatedAt": "Updated at",
"market.buy-for":"Buy for",
"market.adding": "Adding",
"market.koa-val":"King of App review",
"market.more-cheap":"Price:low to high",
"market.more-expensive":"Price: high to low",
"market.more-popular":"Most popular",
"market.more-pro":"Most professional",
"market.more-valued":"Top rated",
"market.not-exist":"This market does not exist",
"market.not-valid-category":"The chosen category is not valid for plugins",
"market.opti":"Optimized for:",
"market.reviews.koa":"Review. KoA",
"market.reviews.users":"User review",
"market.success":"Style (theme) successfully added to the app",
"market.spinners": "Loaders",
"market.sort.-downloads":"Most popular",
"market.sort.-price":"Price: high to low",
"market.sort.-reviews.koa":"Most professional",
"market.sort.-reviews.users":"Top rated",
"market.sort.price":"Price:low to high",
"market.themes":"Styles (themes)",
"market.users-val":"Avg. customer review",
"market.view-more":"See more",
"market.select-template": "Select this template",
"market.use-template": "USE",
«market.back»: «Go back»,
«market.paginationnext»: «Next»,
«market.paginationprevious»: «Previous»,
«market.paginationfirst»: «First»,
«market.paginationlast»: «Last»,
"market.category.social": "Social",
"market.category.news": "News",
"market.category.forms": "Forms",
"market.category.others": "Other",
"market.category.maps": "Maps",
"market.category.media": "Media",
"market.category.menu": "Menu",
"market.category.analytics": "Analytics",
"market.category.ads": "Ads",
"market.category.push": "Push Notifications",
"market.category.polymer": "Polymer",
"market.category.material-design": "Material Design",
"market.category.ios": "Ios",
"marketDetail.buy-free-for":"Use for",
"marketDetail.buy-for":"Buy for",
"marketDetail.demo":"See demo",
"marketDetail.opti":"Optimized for:",
"metadata-general-customhostname" : "Hostname of your app",
"metadata-general-subhost" : "Use subdomain",
"metadata-android.categories" : "Categories",
"metadata-android.title" : "Android data",
"metadataios.title" : "iOS data",
"metadata-android.saved-success": "Data saved successfully",
"metadata-android.saved-error": "Every question marked in red should be answered to be able to save it",
"metadata-android.obras-de-consulta-noticias-o-aplicaciones-educativas": "Reference, news or educational",
"metadata-android.redes-sociales-foros-y-formas-de-compartir-contenido-generado-por-el-usuario": "Social networking, forums and UGC sharing",
"metadata-android.tienda-de-consumo-o-servicio-de-streaming-comercial": "Consumer store or commercial streaming service",
"metadata-android.juego": "Game",
"metadata-android.aplicacion-de-entretenimiento": "Entertainment",
"metadata-android.utilidad-productividad-comunicacion-u-otros": "Utility, productivity, communication or other",
"metadata-android.si": "Yes",
"metadata-android.no": "No",
"metadata-android.error-screenshots" : "Please, add the first two screenshots at least",
"metadata-android.screenshot1" : "Screenshot 1",
"metadata-android.screenshot2" : "Screenshot 2",
"metadata-android.screenshot3" : "Screenshot 3",
"metadata-android.screenshot4" : "Screenshot 4",
"metadata-android.screenshot5" : "Screenshot 5",
"metadata-android.screenshot6" : "Screenshot 6",
"metadata-android.categorization": "Categorization",
"metadata-android.application-type": "Application type",
"metadata-android.content-classification": "Content classification",
"metadata-android.privacy-policy": "Privacy policy",
"metadata-android.apps": "App",
"metadata-android.games": "Game",
"metadata-android.maturity-high": "High maturity",
"metadata-android.maturity-medium": "Medium maturity",
"metadata-android.maturity-low": "Low maturity",
"metadata-android.for-all": "For all",
"metadata-android.content-guidelines": "Content guidelines",
"metadata-android.export-law": "US export laws",
"metadata-android.export-law-description": "US export laws. I am aware that my software application may be subject to United States export laws, regardless of my location or nationality. I affirm that I have complied with these laws, including the requirements related to programs with encryption functions. I hereby certify that my application was authorized to be exported from the United States under these laws.",
"metadata-android.export-law-info": "To be able to recognize content instructions and compliance with export laws, you must first upload an APK file.",
"metadata-android.this-application-complies-with-android-guidelines": "This application complies with the Android Content Guidelines.",
"metadata-android.android-guidelines": "See Android content guidelines",
"metadata-android.check-out-this-tips-to-create-apps": "Check out these suggestions on how to create app descriptions that comply with the policies in order to avoid some of the frequent reasons for app suspension. If the Play Store app or listing meets the requirements to contact the Google Play App Review team in advance, please contact us before publishing it.",
"metadata-android.developers-policy-center": "See developer policy center",
"metadata-android.more-information": "More information",
"metadata-android.error-application_type": "Choose the application type",
"metadata-android.error-content_classification": "Choose content classification",
"metadata-android.error-guidelines": "You must accept the Content Guidelines",
"metadata-android.error-export": "You must accept the US Export Laws.",
"metadataios.content-desc" : "Apple content description",
"metadataios-ratingconf-option-cartoon" : "Cartoon or fantasy violence",
"metadataios-ratingconf-option-realistic" : "Realistic violence",
"metadataios-ratingconf-option-prolonged" : "Prolongued graphic or sadistic realistic violence",
"metadataios-ratingconf-option-profanity" : "Profanity or crude humor",
"metadataios-ratingconf-option-mature" : "Mature/Suggestive themes",
"metadataios-ratingconf-option-horror" : "Horror/Fear themes",
"metadataios-ratingconf-option-medical" : "Medical/Treatmen information",
"metadataios-ratingconf-option-alcohol" : "Alcohol, tobacco, or drug use or references",
"metadataios-ratingconf-option-gambling" : "Simulated gambling",
"metadataios-ratingconf-option-sexual" : "Sexual content or nudity",
"metadataios-ratingconf-option-graphic" : "Graphic sexual content and nudity",
"metadataios-ratingconf-option-unrestricted" : "Unrestricted web access",
"metadataios-ratingconf-option-gamblingcontests": "Gambling and contests",
"metadataios-question-copyright" : "Copyright",
"metadataios-question-primary" : "Primary category",
"metadataios-question-secondary" : "Secondary category",
"metadataios-question-screenshots" : "Views with screenshots",
"metadataios-screenshot1" : "Screenshot 1",
"metadataios-screenshot2" : "Screenshot 2",
"metadataios-screenshot3" : "Screenshot 3",
"metadataios-screenshot4" : "Screenshot 4",
"metadataios-screenshot5" : "Screenshot 5",
"metadataios-screenshot6" : "Screenshot 6",
"metadataios-question-demouser" : "Demo user",
"metadataios-question-demopwd" : "Demo password",
"metadataios-question-notes" : "Notes",
"metadataios-question-language" : "App language",
"metadataios-question-marketingUrl" : "Marketing URL",
"metadataios-question-privacyUrl" : "Privacy policy URL",
"metadataios-question-supportUrl" : "Support URL",
"metadataios-question-releaseNotes" : "Release notes",
"metadataios.generaldata" : "General data",
"metadataios.review" : "Apps review data",
"metadataios.localised" : "Localised",
"metadataios.content_classification" : "Content classification",
"metadataios-question-boolean-yes" : "Yes",
"metadataios-question-boolean-no" : "No",
"metadataios-question-quantity-none" : "None",
"metadataios-question-quantity-infrequent" : "Infrequent/Mild",
"metadataios-question-quantity-frequent" : "Frequent/Intense",
"metadata-placeholder-copyright" : "Company name",
"metadata-placeholder-customhostname" : "example.com",
"metadataios-error-icon-message": "The module chosen to make screenshots has been selected more than once.",
"metadataios-contentrights" : "Content rights",
"metadataios-submission-contains": "Your app contains, shows or access to third party content",
"metadataios-rights-contains" : "You have all necessary rights for that content or can you use it according to the laws of all App Store territories where the app is available",
"metadataios.success":"Your data has been successfully saved.",
"metadata-optional-field": "(Optional field)",
"metadataios.copyright-error" : "Please, add your copyright data",
"metadataios.customhostname-error" : "Please, add the domainname for your ios app",
"metadataios.marketing-error" : "Please, add a valid URL for marketing",
"metadataios.privacy-error" : "Please, add a valid URL for the privacy policy",
"metadataios.support-error" : "Please, add a valid URL for support",
"metadataios.demo-error" : "Please, add user and password for the demo",
"metadataios.screenshots-error" : "Please, add the first two screenshots at least",
"metadataios.question-none": "None",
"templateDetail.basicInfo": "Basic information",
"templateDetail.modules": "Modules",
"templateDetail.services": "Services",
"templateDetail.themes": "Styles (themes)",
"templateDetail.colors": "Colors",
"templateDetail.images": "Images",
"templateDetail.fonts": "Fonts",
"templateDetail.title": "Template details",
"modules.copyLink-button-text-before": "Copy",
"modules.copyLink-button-text-after": "Copied",
"modules.copyLinkLabel": "Module URL",
"templatePreview.title": "Template preview",
"modules.add-menu":"Add menu",
"modules.add-module":"Add module",
"modules.back":"Go back",
"modules.change-icon-select":"Select icon from the list",
"modules.change-icon-upload":"Upload your icon",
"modules.change-icon-url":"Introduce the icon url",
"modules.change-icon":"Change de module icon",
"modules.invalid-icon-url":"The icon url is not valid",
"modules.main-menu":"Main menu",
"modules.main.label": "Index",
"modules.module-not-found":"We don't find any module selected",
"modules.name":"Module's name",
"modules.nameHelp":"Display name",
"modules.not-inside-itself":"You can't have two modules that the same type nested",
"modules.select-icon-select":"Select your icon",
"modules.select-icon":"Module icon",
"modules.can-contain": "Module container",
"modules.showOnMenu":"Show in the menu",
"modules.showOnMenuHelp":"Please select if you want that the module show in the menu",
"modules.subtitle":"Choose functionality modules and menus for your App.",
"modules.success":"Data saved successfully\t",
"modules.chooseModules": "Choose the modules to apply this service",
"modules.selectAll": "Select all",
"modules.unSelectAll": "Unselect all",
"modules.missconfigured": "This module is missconfigured",
"modules.child-delete": "This moudule will be deleted from your app. Are you sure?",
"modules.container-delete": "This module, and all it contains, will be deleted from your app. Are you sure?",
"modules.add-view-module": "Add view container",
"modules.view-module": "View module",
"modules.menu": "Menu",
"modules.module": "Module",
"modules.languageSection": "Language variables",
"modules.warning-edit-structure": "You dont have permission for this change",
"modal.module": "module",
"modal.service": "service",
"modal.theme": "Style (theme)",
"modal.upgradeModal": "Upgrade {{pluginType}} from v{{version}} to v{{newVersion}}",
"modal.upgradeModal.upgrade": "Upgrade version",
"modal.upgradeModal.text": "Is possible to lose some configuration fields, Are you sure to upgrade module version?",
"modules.update-all": "Update All",
"modules.autosave": "Autosave",
"modules.autosave-enable": "On",
"modules.autosave-disable": "Off",
"modules.btn-import-menu": "Import menu",
"modules.wpImport.docTitle": "Documentation",
"modules.wpImport.findWPTitle": "Find WordPress",
"modules.wpImport.selWPmenuTitle": "Select WordPress menu",
"modules.wpImport.selAppMenu": "Select App menu",
"modules.wpImport.documentation": "It is necessary to have installed and activated the 'WP API Menus' plugin on your wordpress page.\nIf you don't have the plugin, download it from",
"modules.wpImport.download": "here",
"modules.wpImport.findWP": "Add your web page address (home). Ex: https://miPagina.com",
"modules.wpImport.selWPmenu": "Select the wordpress menu you want to import",
"modules.wpImport.chooseWPmenu": "Choose menu",
"modules.wpImport.selWPmenuselected": "Selected menu: ",
"modules.wpImport.mainMenu": "Select your main menu",
"modules.wpImport.subMenu": "Select your secondary or level 2 menu",
"modules.wpImport.subsubMenu": "Select your third or level 3 menu",
"modules.wpImport.selectMenu": "Select menu",
"modules.wpImport.menuAdded": "Added",
"modules.wpImport.cancel": "Cancel",
"modules.wpImport.back": "Back",
"modules.wpImport.continue": "Next",
"modules.wpImport.confirm": "Confirm",
"modules.wpImport.finish": "Finish",
"navbar.home":"My Apps",
"navbar.home.description":"Manage all your apps",
"navbar.academy.description": "Learn how to create apps",
"navbar.docs.description": "KOA technical documentation",
"navbar.user.description": "Manage your data",
"navbar.logout":"Log out",
"navbar.invoices": "Invoices",
"navbar.notifications": "Notifications",
"navbar.register":"Sign up",
"navbar.volver":"Go back to browser",
"navbar.validate-email-msg": "Your mail isn't validated yet, please check your inbox or ",
"navbar.validate-email-btn-send": "Forward activation email",
"navbar.validate-email-btn-disabled": "Sent, Check your inbox!",
"navbar.notification-msg": "You have pending notifications",
"navbar.notification-btn-accept": "Go to notifications panel",
"preview.devices": "Devices",
"preview.show": "Show",
"preview.hide": "Hide",
"preview.notch": "Notch",
"preview.full-screen": "Full screen",
"payment.terms-conditions-remember":"* Remember that purchases are subject to the ",
"payment.terms-conditions-and":" and the ",
"payment.terms-conditions-policy":"Privacy Policy",
"payment.terms-conditions-terms":"Terms and Conditions",
"payment.terms-conditions-compilation":"Compilation Service",
"payment.anual":"Yearly subscription",
"payment.error":"We are sorry, there was an error processing your payment. Please try again.",
"payment.invoice":"Please, fill in your invoice data before paying.",
"payment.monthly-pay":"MONTHLY PAYMENT",
"payment.monthly":"monthly subscription",
"payment.noPendings-button":"Verify and publish",
"payment.noPendings-noCoupon": "Back to dashboard to publish",
"payment.noPendings":"You haven't pending payments.",
"payment.pay-method":"Payment method",
"payment.pay-summary":"Payment summary",
"payment.processing":"Processing your request. You will be redirected to Paypal",
"payment.product-not-found":"This discount coupon we can't apply for any of this products",
"payment.promo-expired":"Your discount coupon is expired",
"payment.promo-inactive":"This discount coupon is not avaiable",
"payment.promo-not-found":"We don't find your discount coupon",
"payment.promo-used-by-app":"This app have used the discount coupon",
"payment.promo-used-by-you":"You have used the discount coupon",
"payment.promo-used":"Your discount coupon has already been used",
"payment.promocode":"Paste here the coupon you received in your email.",
"payment.sell-by":"Sold by:",
"payment.single-pay":"ONE-TIME PAYMENT",
"payment.single":"one-time payment",
"payment.success":"Your payment was successful. We need some time to save the transaction data.",
"payment.successful-save":"Your data has been successfully saved",
"payment.themes":"Styles (themes)",
"payment.verify":"Validate coupon ",
"payment.your-account":"Your account",
"platforms.demo":"See DEMO",
"platforms.description":"Preview here how your App looks in IOS, Android and Windows Phones. You can also apply different themes to different platforms.",
"platforms.name":"Style (theme) name",
"platforms.subtitle":"Choose the systems you want your app to be on.",
"platforms.theme":"Change style (theme)",
"platforms-ios-title": "iOS",
"platforms-android-title": "Android",
"platforms.active-section": "Enable platform",
"platforms.text-theme": "Style (theme)",
"plugins.updateTo": "Update to",
"publish.help":"Publishing: Choose a publishing plan. We will upload the app to the markets. You can also upload it yourself with a developer account.",
"publish.subtitle":"Lasty, choose a publishing plan for your app.",
"publish.success":"Publish plan successsfully saved",
"publish.upload-by-user":"I will upload it myself",
"publish.upload-markets":"Upload to Markets",
"publish.tip.one.title": "What's an ID?",
"publish.tip.one.text": "The publisher ID is a required certificate to sign and upload your app to the iOS iTunes marketplace and the Android Play Store.",
"publish.tip.two.title": "The publisher ID will be displayed in the markets?",
"publish.tip.two.text": "Ones the app is uploaded the applications information plage will have an small reference with the name of the ID owner mantioned as a \"Publisher name\".",
"publish.tip.three.title": "How can I get my own ID?",
"publish.tip.three.text": "You can purchase one for each platform (Android and iOS) in their web pages. This option is not recommended for beginners.",
"publish.tip.four.title": "Ones I upload my app with an ID, can I change it?",
"publish.tip.four.text": "No, you will need to create a new app.",
"publish.options.outstanding": "Outstanding",
"publish.options.volumenPackage": "Volumen package",
"publish.options.pwaDownload": "Download pwa",
"publish.options.consult": "Consult",
"publish.options.uploadID": "Upload with ID",
"publish.options.year": "Year",
"publish.options.required":"Publish required",
"publish.options.select": "Select",
"publish.options.downloadAndroidApp": "Download Android App for testing",
"publish.options.download": "Download",
"publish.options.comingSoon": "Coming soon",
"publish.options.downloading": "Downloading...",
"publish.options.downloading.code": "You will receive the application code shortly by email",
"publish.options.downloading.apk": "You will receive the application apk shortly by email",
"publish.options.downloading.pwa": "You will recive the pwa files shortly by email",
"publish.options.downloading.app-error": "It is mandatory solve all issues in the dashboard",
"publish.options.downloading.buy-error": "The payment app elements must be paid to download",
"publish.options.downloading.both-error": "It's necessary to pay the elements and resolve errors",
"publish.options.downloading.publish-required-error": "It's necessary fill the \"Upload with ID\" process.",
"publish.options.downloadCode": "Download source code",
"publish.options.unpaid": "* You can request the source code of your app when the payment elements are paid",
"publish.osForm.iosTitle": "iOS APP",
"publish.osForm.name": "Name",
"publish.osForm.lastname": "Lastname",
"publish.osForm.iTunesConnectUser": "iTunes Connect user",
"publish.osForm.iTunesConnectPass": "iTunes Connect password",
"publish.osForm.iTunesConnectTeamName": "iTunes Connect Team Name",
"publish.osForm.iTunesConnectTeamId": "iTunes Connect Team Id",
"publish.osForm.appSpecificPassword": "Application specific password",
"publish.osForm.twofactphone": "Phone number",
"publish.osForm.androidTitle": "Android APP",
"publish.osForm.googlePlayUser": "Google Play user",
"publish.osForm.googlePlayPass": "Google Play password",
"publish.osForm.organizationName": "Organization name",
"publish.osForm.city": "City",
"publish.osForm.country": "Country",
"publish.osForm.domain": "Domain",
"publish.osForm.iamFile": "Google Service Account",
"publish.finish.title": "Congratulations!",
"publish.finish.andNow": "And now?",
"publish.finish.text": "Perfect! Now we have all the data to start building your awesome app. Soon you will recieve an email confirming that we where able to publish your app.",
"publish.selected-plan":"Selected plan",
"publish.backButton": "Back",
"publish.save": "Save and exit",
"androidform.logotext": "APP Android",
«iosform.logotext»: «APP iOS»,
"recover.mail": "Email",
"recover.recover-btn": "Recover",
"recover.cancel-link": "Cancel",
"recover.welcome": "Password recovery",
"recover.welcome2": "Enter your acount email",
"recover.pwd-mailsent": "We´ve sent an email to your account",
"register.phone": "Phone number",
"register.PPExplained":"You can unsubscribe from these communications at any time. For more information on how to unsubscribe, our privacy practices and how we are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy, check our ",
"register.RGPDIntro":"King of App is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy, and we will only use your personal information to manage your account and provide the products and services you requested. From time to time, we would like to get in touch with you about our products and services, as well as other content that may interest you. If you agree that we communicate with you for this purpose, check the box below to indicate how you wish to be contacted:",
"register.termsConditionsAcept":"I agree that King of App will store and process the personal information provided above to provide you with the requested content. For more information, see our ",
"register.RGPDAcept":"I agree to receive email communications from King of App.",
"register.terms-conditions": "Terms and Conditions.",
"register.acceptTerms":"You must accept the Terms and Conditions in order to register",
"register.privacy":"Privacy Policy.",
"register.surname":"Last Name",
"register.welcome2":"Register for free, experiment by creating your own app and test on a real device without putting your card.",
"reset.newpassword": "New Password",
"reset.confirmpassword": "Confirm Password",
"reset.accept-btn": "Accept",
"reset.cancel-link": "Cancel",
"reset.welcome": "Reset Password",
"reset.welcome2": "Enter your new password",
"reset.error.notmatch": "Passwords do not match",
"reset.error.tooshort": "Password is too short. Min 6 characters",
"reset.error.userdatanotfound": "User data not found",
"reset.pwd-success": "Password changed successfully",
"reset.error.pwdnotset": "A password mus be set",
"reset-error-invalidtoken": "The token provided is invalid",
"release.title": "Release info",
"release.publish-info": "Information for new version",
"release.changes": "Version changes",
"release.publish": "Publish",
"release.version.changes": "Description text for version changes",
"release.changes.placeholder": "At least 80 characters",
"release.error-length": "The information text should be between 80 and 1000 characters",
"select.question":"This style (theme) have a default styles, do you want keep you current configuration?",
"select.title":"Select the plattform",
"select.useBackground":"Keep my background image",
"select.useColors":"Keep my colors",
"select.useFonts":"Keep my fonts",
"select.useMenu":"Keep my menu (if not config could be loss)",
"services.add":"Add service",
"services.add-service": "Add service",
"services.ads":"Do you want advertaising in you app and monetize? Add the adds service.",
"services.analytics":"Do you want to know everything about your app? Add the analytics service.",
"services.login":"Do you want to protect your app with user and password? Add loggin services.",
"services.new-plugin":"New service",
"services.push":"Do you want contact with your app users? Add the Push notifications service.",
"services.services":"View additional services",
"services.subtitle":"Almost there, choose the services that you want add to your app.",
"services.updateTo": "Update to",
"services.missconfigured": "This service is missconfigured",
"services.delete": "This service will be deleted from your app. Are you sure?",
"services.already": "This service is already in App",
"settings.title": "Settings",
«settings.update»: «Update»,
«settings.return»: «Return»,
«settings.delete-account»: «Delete account»,
«settings.language»: «Language»,
«settings.language.es-ES»: «Spanish»,
«settings.language.en-US»: «English»,
«settings.user»: «User data»,
«settings.pay»: «Payment data»,
«settings.firstName»: «First Name»,
«settings.lastName»: «Last Name»,
«settings.email»: «Email»,
«settings.oldPassword»: «Current Password»,
«settings.newPassword»: «New Password»,
«settings.rePassword»: «Re-type password»,
«settings.firstName-placeholder»: «Type ypur first name»,
«settings.lastName-placeholder»: «Type your last name»,
«settings.email-placeholder»: «Type your email»,
«settings.oldPassword-placeholder»: «Type your current password»,
«settings.newPassword-placeholder»: «Type your new password»,
«settings.rePassword-placeholder»: «Re-type password»,
«settings.oldPassword-mandatory»: «Please, insert your current password»,
«settings.oldPassword-invalid»: «Current password is invalid, check it and try again»,
«settings.successful-save»: «Your personal data is saved successfully»,
«settings.password-different»: «Password doesn’t match, try again»,
«settings.password-short»: «Password is too short, must be at least 8 characters»,
«settings.email-used»: «Your email is invalid or is already used, try with other»,
«settings.deleteUserPassword-mandatory»: «Password is required to delete account»,
«settings.deleteUserPassword-invalid»: «Password is invalid»,
«settings.deleteUser-title»: «Are you sure you want to leave King of App?»,
«settings.deleteUser-text»: «If you do, you will lose all the information hosted on your account. Also, your Apps will be removed from the markets. Should unsubscribe, remember that you must first be up to date of all payments and in case of recurring products, you will be charged the full amount of what you signed.»,
«settings.abandon»: «Leave King of App»,
«settings.deleteUser-ok»: «Your used is now unsubscribed, we hope to see you soon!»,
«settings.profiles»: «Invoicing profiles»,
«settings.profiles-admin»: «Manage»,
"notifications.notifications": "Notifications",
"notifications.reload": "Reload notifications",
"notifications.title": "Title",
"notifications.description": "Description",
"notifications.date": "Date",
"notifications.accept": "Accept",
"notifications.reject": "Reject",
"notifications.delete": "Delete notification",
"notificationsAppSheared": "New app shared",
"sidebar.app-publish":"To market",
«sidebar.widgets»: «My Widgets»,
«sidebar.appearance»:»Look and feel»,
«sidebar.apps»:»My apps»,
«sidebar.pushpro»: «Push»,
«sidebar.analyticspro»: «Analytics»,
"sidebar.main-data":"General data",
"sidebar.template-config":"Template config",
"sidebar.two_factor": "Two Factor",
"sidebar.themes":"Styles (themes)",
"sidebar.spinners": "Loaders",
"sidebar.android": "Android",
"sidebar.ios": "iOS",
"start.app-description-placeholder":"Please add the App description",
"start.app-description-sub":"You can do this later.",
"start.app-description-short":"Short description",
"start.app-description-short-placeholder":"Please add the App description short",
"start.app-description-short-sub":"You can do this later.",
"start.app-keywords-placeholder":"ex: Sports",
"start.add-a-tag": "Add a tag",
"start.add-language" : "Add language",
"start.app-language-add":"Language of your App",
"start.app-language":"Main language",
"start.app-name-placeholder":"ex: Discovery",
"start.app-name":"Name of your App",
"start.app-name-market": "Name of your App in the market",
"start.app-alias":"Alias of your App",
"start.app-upgradeVersion":"Current version",
"start.version.help":" It shows the version in wich the app will be compiled. Clicking the button of 'Upgrade to' will be increasing the 'Mayor' value of the version (+.=.=), if not, system automatically increase 1 point to 'Patch' (=.=.+)",
"start.required-fields": "Required fields",
"category-error":"Please select category",
"category-error2":"The category is not valid",
"start.keywords-length-error":"Max keywords size is 100 characters for language: {{language}}",
"start.languages": "Languages",
"category.Food&Drink": "Food & Drink",
"category.Shopping": "Shopping",
"category.Sports": "Sports",
"category.Business": "Business",
"category.Education": "Education",
"category.Entertainment": "Entertainment",
"category.Libraries&Demo": "Libraries",
"category.Lifestyle": "Lifestyle",
"category.Finance": "Finance",
"category.Photography&Video": "Photography & Video",
"category.Games": "Games",
"category.Books": "Books",
"category.Medical": "Medicine",
"category.Music&Audio": "Music & Audio",
"category.Navigation": "Navigation",
"category.News": "News",
"category.Productivity": "Productivity",
"category.Social": "Social",
"category.Reference": "Reference",
"category.Magazines": "Magazines & Newspapers",
"category.Health&Fitness": "Health & Fitness",
"category.Stickers": "Stickers",
"category.Weather": "Weather",
"category.Tools": "Utilities",
"category.Travel": "Travel",
"category.none": "None",
"start.editIn":"Edit in:",
"start.subtitle":"Tell us a little bit more about the App.",
"start.general-info": "General info",
"start.success":"Your data has been successfully saved.",
"start.title":"General data",
"start.upgradeVersion":"Upgrade to",
"template.title": "Template config",
"template.subtitle": "Add aditional data to locate your template easily",
"template.template-name": "Template name",
"template.template-name-placeholder": "Write a template name",
"template.isPublic": "Is this template public?",
"template.isPublic-yes": "Yes",
"template.isPublic-no": "No",
"template.name-error": "Template name has to be at least 3 characters",
"template.success":"Your data has been successfully saved.",
"thanks.first.body":"<p>Perfect! Now we have all the data to start building your awesome app. </p><p>Soon you will receive an email confirming that we where able to publish your app.</p> <p> Welcome to the kingdom of the apps! </p>",
"thanks.first.header":"your kingdom is ready to begin",
"thanks.firstDownload.body":"<p>Our goldsmiths are already working on it.</p><p>We are preparing the files for you can download it. When you have the files in your power, you can compile and publish your App on the markets that your choice. You should receive an email, follow the instructions to download.</p><p>We wish you a wealthy and long-lasting dinasty and to keep trusting in King of App for your future projects.</p><p>¡Long live at the new King of App!</p>",
"thanks.firstDownload.header":"Your App is coming!",
"thanks.second.body":"<p>All is ready to recompile your App and upload the new version to the Markets.</p><p>Please been in alert as soon as we send you a mail with the progress.</p><p>¡Long live at the new King of App!</p>",
"thanks.second.header":"Your app is coming",
"thanks.congratulations": "CONGRATULATIONS!",
"thanks.newApp": "New App",
"thanks.twoFactor.send": "Send",
"thanks.twofactor.title":"King of app compilation",
"thanks.twofactor.input.label": "Double factor authentication",
"themes.updateTo": "Update to",
"verification.processing": "We are verifying your email address...",
"verification.error": "Ops! Seems there was a problem and we could not find your email",
"verification.success": "Thank you! Your email was validated!",
"appName is mandatory and at least 3 characters": "appName is mandatory and at least 3 characters",
"template not found": "Template not found",
"appId provided is invalid": "appId provided is invalid",
"appName has to have at least 3 characters": "appName has to have at least 3 characters",
"nothing to upload": "Nothing to upload",
"Email parameter is mandatory": "Email parameter is mandatory",
"Email provided is invalid": "Email provided is invalid",
"Password parameter is mandatory": "Password parameter is mandatory",
"Password provided is invalid": "Password provided is invalid",
"User doesn't exist or email doesn't match": "User doesn't exist or email doesn't match",
"User not validate.": "User not validate.",
"Failed to authenticate token.": "Failed to authenticate token.",
"No token provided.": "No token provided.",
"Market provided is invalid": "Market provided is invalid",
"Data not found": "Data not found",
"Platform provided is invalid": "Platform provided is invalid",
"Could not be possible to get data": "Could not be possible to get data",
"Error setting paypal payment": "Error setting paypal payment",
"Task name is required": "Task name is required",
"Task data is required": "Task data is required",
"No permissions": "No permissions",
"Id provided is invalid": "Id provided is invalid",
"You only can get your own user": "You only can get your own user",
"Type provided is invalid": "Type provided is invalid",
"Type parameter is mandatory": "Type parameter is mandatory",
"You only can remove your own user": "You only can remove your own user",
"Was not possible to validate user": "Was not possible to validate user",
"Message send successfully": "Message send successfully",
"Email adress not found": "Email adress not found",
"User not validate": "User not validate",
"Expired token": "Expired token",
"Invalid token": "Invalid token",
"Results not found": "Results not found",
"Plugin does not exists": "Plugin does not exists",
"onboarding.title": "Welcome to the Builder!",
"onboarding.begin-onboarding": "Start tutorial",
"onboarding.skip-onboarding": "No thanks, I prefer skip the tutorial",
"onboarding.tip-1": "Access the <span class="\"highlight\""> Dashboard </span> to edit the basic information and check items, status and analytics of your app.",
"onboarding.tip-2": "In the section <span class="\"highlight\""> Functionality </span> you can add modules and services that contribute content and value to the app.",
"onboarding.tip-3": "Get a unique app by editing the visual elements in <span class="\"highlight\""> Appearance </span>, as well as preview the result in each operating system.",
"onboarding.tip-4": "In <span class="\"highlight\""> Publication </span> you will find several options to compile and publish the created application.",
"onboarding.tip-5": "Do not forget to fill in the necessary information in the <span class="\"highlight\""> To market </span> section so that the corresponding marketplace supports your app.",
"onboarding.tip-6": "Process the payment of items and subscriptions added to the <span class="\"highlight\""> carrello </span>.",
"onboarding.next-button": "Next",
"onboarding.skip-button": "Skip onboarding",
"welcome.error.getData" : "Connection error please reload",
"welcome.success" : "Package request successful",
"adminpanel.error.getData": "Connection error please reload",
"pushpro.introtext": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque et sapien eget eros mollis dignissim. Aliquam gravida ultricies est, ut gravida erat sollicitudin ac. Quisque at ligula lobortis, laoreet tortor ac, rutrum neque. Vivamus efficitur lacus vel nisl dictum, vitae finibus mi facilisis. Aenean nisi sem, pretium ut scelerisque sit amet, bibendum eget lorem. Praesent rhoncus tellus eget ipsum ultricies faucibus. Fusce viverra velit non bibendum ornare. Integer facilisis consequat mauris ac fringilla."